Sunday, August 8, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different!

Finally, the weeds around the peppers are under control and I can do something else for a change!  We decided to change the color of the shed from Fire Engine Red to a more earthy brown.  The old color made the shed shine like an emergency light from the road!  It screamed "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!!"   Not what we wanted!  The temperature and humidity were down yesterday and painting was therapeutic.  Jeff was trimming around the trees in the orchard so that left me and two lazy dogs to hang around the shed and paint.  Alone with my thoughts, the rhythm of a paint brush and the warm sun on my bare shoulders felt like cheesecake for my soul.  Every now and then I backed away to check my progress and sigh happily with a sense of accomplishment.  One and one half sides to go and it's done with its chameleon change.  I like it!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great and will probably weather better now! I want to paint the trim on the shabin like a dusty purple or earthy sage green. But it's too hot!!!
